Ariköy Started/Basladi

Start 17. Eylül 2012 Ariköyde Jiu Jitsu

Who is Andreas?

Andreas & Budo Sport? (Türkce asagda)

Andreas started Jiu Jitsu in Austria late 70is for the same reason why many of his students come today to his lessons. He wanted to defend himself against stronger opponents if it is necessary and unavoidable.

Andreas: I did not only learn how to defend myself but I got a live philosophy along with it. The philosophy helped me not only to become self confident and sportive but it gave me a way and mental strength that helped me later on to be successful in business as well”.

In the 80is he started to test himself in competitions, he became first “best in his club and weight”, than “Vienna’s Champion”, than “Austrian Champion”. After qualifying for the “European Championship” he could qualify for the “World Championship 1985” as well and reached bronze in a greater then his weight class.

Andreas:” It was a great time for a kid, if I look back today. Of course, at the time it was terrible for me because I lost many times in competitions and it did hurt not only physically. But today I know – “the one who never looses, does not know how nice it is to win” and I learned many things on the way and continue to learn”.

Today Andreas helps different groups to learn self defense:

  • Kids
  • Young
  • Women (WSD Women Self Defense)
  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Handicapped

Today he holds theoretical and practical courses and seminars to master difficult situations and runs weekly training centers in Istanbul.

Andreas: “I want that people are not victims but victors”.

Victors of difficult situations, peoples lives in general and all major areas of their live; that includes:

  • health & physical fitness,
  • mental strength
  • success in home and family life
  • friends – and social environment
  • success in business and
  • a positive life philosophy or religion

In my classes I will give you

  • the freedom to believe in what you want to believe and
  • I will lay the foundation to get you to a higher level, get you to
  • the next step in the area of life you desire you want to work on.

Andreas was introduced to Jiu Jitsu and continued to learn for 10 years from the son of the great Josef Ebetshuber † (10. Dan) Hans Günter Ebetshuber (today 8 Dan). Pentac Silat he learned from Hariwijadi Frans (Bonkot Harimau stile) and now he is a student of Aikido by Ali Uludağ (5 Dan) better known as Ali San and Sever M Cengiz (3 Dan).

One of the most important lessons I learned is: “To avoid fights, try to find a “win win” situation; because even if you win and your opponent loses for now, he/she is going to desire to get even with you as soon as he/she sees a chance.” That is true in physical fights as well as in other life situations and business. Another one would be:” Stay confident and strong, let the other know that you are a serious fellow, not an easy target”.


Andreas & Budo Sport?

Andreas’in Avusturya’da, 70’lerin sonlarinda, Jiu Jitsuya, baslamasının sebebi; bugün ondan ders almaya gelen ögrencileri ile aynı. Gerekli ve kaçnılmaz durumlarda; kendisinden daha güçlü rakiplere karsi kendini savunabilmek.

Andreas; “Jiu Jitsu ile sadece kendimi nasil savunacagimi ögrenmedim, ayrica bir hayat felsefesi de edindim. Bu felsefe, kendime güven ve sportifligin disinda; bana daha sonralari isimde de basari sagladigim zihinsel gücü verdi.“ diyor.

80‘lerde başarısını yarısmalarda test etmeye başladı. Önce kendi ağırlığında klubünde birinci oldu. Sonra Viyana birincisi oldu ve ondan sonra da Avusturya Sampiyonu.

Elemelerle “Avrupa Sampiyonası” `na katılmaya hak kazandı ve sonra; “Dünya sampiyonasi” ´na seçildi ve “kendi ağırlığından üstün” sınıflandırmasında, bronz madalya  kazandı.

Andreas; „bugün geriye baktigimda; tüm yaşadıklarım bir cocuk olarak, benim icin olaganüstü deneyimlerdi. Tabiki yarişmalarda bircok kez kaybettim ve bu sadece fiziksel bir aci getirmedi. Bugün, sunu biliyorum -“hicbir zaman kaybetmemis olan, asla yenmenin gerçek zevkine varamaz“ Bu yolda bir cok sey ögrendim ve hala da ögrenmeye devam ediyorum“.  Diyerek açıklıyor geçmişe dönük anılarını.

Bugünlerde Andreas,  kendini savunma sanatını farklı gruplara öğretiyor:

  • Çocuklara
  • Gençlere
  • Kadınlara  (WSD Women Self Defense)
  • Yetişkinlere
  • Yaşlilara
  • Engellilere

Su anda, “zor durumların üstesinden gelmek“ icin özel teorik ve pratik kurs ve seminerler ve  Istanbul’da bazı merkezlerde haftalik egitimler vermekte.

Andreas: “Ben insanların mağlup degil, galip olmalarini istiyorum”. der.

İnsanlar zor durumlarin basarililarini hayatlarinin her asamasinda/doneminde yasarlar

ki bu alanlar:

  • saglik & fiziksel kapasite,
  • zihinsel güc
  • özel hayat da ve aile icinde basari
  • arkadaslar – ve sosyal cevre
  • is hayatinda basari
  • pozitif bir hayat felsefesi ve pozitif inanc olarak siralanabilir.

Özel derslerimde vermek istedigim;

  • inanmak istediginize inanma özgürlügü
  • daha yüksek bir seviye yeatlamak icin zemin
  • ilerlemek istediginiz yasam alaninda bir sonraki basamagi tirmanmak icin gerekli ruhsal ve fiziksel malzemeler

Andreas Jiu Jitsuya girisini; Muhtesem Josef Ebetshuber † (10. Dan)ín oglu, Hans Günter Ebetshuber (su an 8 Dan) ile yapti. Ondan 10 yil boyunca ders almaya devam etti.

Pentac Silat egitimini, Hariwijadi Frans (Bonkot Harimau Stili) dan aldi. Su anda da Aikido egitimini Ali Uludag (5 Dan)´dan, Ali San olarak bilinir ve Sever M Cengiz (3 Dan) almakda.

Ve son olarak Andreas diyor ki:

Ögrendigim en önemli derslerden birisi “Kavgayi önle “kazan-kazan” durumu yarat;

Cünkü siz kazanmis olsaniz bile ve rakibiniz kaybettiğinde, O bir sans yakaladigi an sizinle ödeşmek istiyecektir.

Bu, günlük yaşamımızda oldugu kadar, hayatın diğer alanlarında ve iş dünyası icin gecerli bir durumdur.

Öğrenilmesi gereken bir diğer ders te ” Inancli ve guclu dur, herkes senin ciddi bir rakip oldugunu fark etsin, kolay bir hedef olmadigini bilsinler.”

Ariköy – Jiu Jitsu starts in September

We start our Jiu Jitsu Training in September in Ariköy.

We will have fun and learn to know what to do with our body and mind in a situation of defense.

This year’s Motto: “Jiu Jitsu is a defense sport and we want to have fun with it, not forgetting self-discipline and self-control, soberness in body and mind, as well as many techniques and repetition, repetition, repetition to consciously automatize reactions.  We will focus on Jiu Jitsu this year, but we will have some Penciak Silat influence (which is an Indonesian Type of self-defense found by a woman Rama Sukana an Malay ancestor)

Like before we will have a children group, age 6-12 and an adult group, 13-99 years of age.


Monday & Wednesday & Friday

6-12 age group starts at 18:30 PM and lasts for one hour

13-99 age group starts at 19:40 – 21:00 PM

Trainings methodology:

  • Room and self – preparation (5-10 min)
  • Greeting ceremony (a kind of meditation to leave the daily things behind and the future where it is and focus on the training and the now!) (5 min)
  • Worm up (muscle worming, conditioning and stretching) (10-30 min)
  • Learning and training how to fall (falling techniques) (10-15 min)
  • Self-defense Techniques of all kinds (according program and students seniority) (20-40 min)
  • Finishing ceremony (5 min)
  • Room clean-up (5 min)

Course will be between September to June (like School agenda = on school holiday no training).

Pricing for 8 lessons/month:

6-12 age group (18:30 – 19:30 PM)

Monthly payment   200,- TL

Semester payment 740,- TL

9 ½ months payment (full year) 1.370,- TL

13-99 age group (19:40 – 21:00 PM)

Monthly payment   250,- TL

Semester payment 925,- TL

9 ½ months payment (full year) 1.780,- TL

Second person of a family may claim 20% discount.

Summer program

Değerli komşular & Jiu Jitsu arkadaslar,

Yaz için savunma sporu olan Jiu Jıtsu derslerine başlamış bulunuyoruz.

Her Pazartesi ve Cuma günleri;
18:30 – 19:30 Küçük devler (6-12yaş grubu )
19:30 – 21:00 Genç & yetişkinler (12 – 99 yaş grubu)

Sizleri de bekliyorum.

Martial Art (Savunma Sporu) için tecrübeli, tecrübesiz herkesi bekliyoruz.
Jiu Jitsu heyecan veren bir savunma sporu. Karate, Aikido ve Judo karışımı olarak düşünülebilir.

Andreas Vetr
Kendini nasıl koruyacağını öğren.!

Falling Techniques

NEW Training TIME

Dear Jiu Jitsu Friends!

I am happy to announce “your belt test”
on the 27th Mart 2010 – next weekend
at 11:00 AM – ??
in Aritepe – Ariköy Spor Tesis.

Most of you will go for the yellow belt – so get organized and ready!

We will have a short Training and Presentation of Jiu Jitsu where you can invite your Friends, Parents…. to watch or/and participate.

Please tell our Jiu Jitsu friends to come – because I do not have all e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

Our training classes change:
Mo + Fr: 18:20 – 19:20 Kids
Mo + Fr: 18:20 – 19:20 Teens
Mo + Fr: 19:30 – 21:00 Adults

See you at the next training on Friday.



Warm up, stretching and training

Techniques Techniques